Founded in late 1980’s, Yee Hong is the largest non-profit senior care organizations in Canada. Yee Hong helps seniors lead dignified, independent and fulfilling lives through their long-term care homes, senior housing, and community-based social and medical services. The Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation is the fundraising, communications and public relations arm of the Yee Hong community.

Dragon Ball
The Dragon Ball is the annual benefit gala for Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation. It is one of Toronto’s premier gala events and the largest fundraising gala in North America celebrating Chinese New Year, making regular appearances on BizBash Top 100 lists.
We are honored to be the Marketing Sponsor for the annual Dragon Ball since 2018. We are responsible for the design and execution on all marketing materials, including gala menus, tickets, invitations, program books, backdrops, TV commercials, digital banners, sponsor reels, raffle tickets, and many more for the 29th, 30th, and 31st Dragon Ball.

Capital Campaign
In 2020, Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation launched a “Capital Campaign” to fundraising for building three senior care centres in Scarborough and Mississauga with 800 beds. Results Advertising takes part in the “Capital Campaign” and responsible for designing logos and full set marketing materials. We also have filmed a documentary by interviewing the Yee Hong beneficial members, their families, nursing workers and volunteers. All of the conversation from the documentary are real life stories. No actors were involved.